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时间:2020年12月02日 17:41  阅读:




研究领域为引力与相对论天体物理,主要方向有黑洞物理、额外维物理等,在PHYSICAL REVIEW DASTROPHYSICAL JOURNALPHYSICS LETTERS BEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C等引力与相对论天体物理国际主流学术期刊上发表了50余篇学术论文,主持和参与国家自然科学基金项目7项,获河南省自然科学学术奖一等奖4项等。


2004.92009.6 大连理工大学理论物理专业 博士(导师:桂元星教授、刘宏亚教授)

2000.92004.6 阜阳师范大学物理学专业 学士


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,各向异性Lifshitz新标度下膜世界引力的研究(11475143),2015.01-2018.12,结题。

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,膜世界模型中的黑洞研究(11005088),2011.01-2013.12,结题。

3. 河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划项目,新引力理论及其可观测效应研究(14HASTIT043),2014.1-2016.12,结题。


1. 国家自然科学基金项目,标量-张量引力理论在Jordan框架下的圈量子宇宙学微扰论研究(11647068),2017.1-2017.12,结题。

2. 国家自然科学基金项目,基于AMS-02实验高精度数据探索星际物质分形分布对宇宙线传播的影响(11547219),2016.1-2016.12,结题。

3. 国家自然科学基金项目,膜世界的暴涨宇宙学与暗能量研究(10703001),2008.1-2010.12,结题。

4. 国家自然科学基金项目,宇宙的两次加速膨胀——暴涨宇宙学与暗能量(10747113),2008.1-2008.12,结题。

5. 国家自然科学基金项目,宇宙大反弹模型进一步研究(10573003),2006.1-2008.12,结题。


1. 河南省青年科技奖,2019.11

2. 河南省第三届自然科学学术奖一等奖,2015.11

3. 河南省优秀硕士学位论文优秀指导教师,2013.5

4. 河南省第二届自然科学学术奖一等奖,2013.12

5. 河南省教育厅信息技术教育优秀成果奖三等奖,2011.9

6. 河南省第十五届多媒体教育软件大奖赛高等教育组多媒体课件三等奖,2011.9

7. 河南省首届自然科学学术奖一等奖,2011.9


1. Testing the Weak Equivalence Principle with the Binary Neutron Star Merger GW170817: The Gravitational Contribution of the Host Galaxy, Lulu Yao(研究生), Zonghua Zhao, Yu Han, Jingbo Wang, Tong Liu, Molin Liu*, Astrophysical Journal 900 (2020) 31.

2. The generalized Brans-Dicke theory and its cosmology, Jianbo Lu, Yabo Wu, Weiqiang Yang, Molin Liu, Xin Zhao, European Physical Journal Plus 134 (2019) 318.

3. New asymptotic Anti-de Sitter solution with a timelike extra dimension in 5D relativity, Molin Liu*, Yingying Shi, Zonghua Zhao, Yu Han, Annals of Physics 382 (2017) 112.

4. Test of the Weak Equivalence Principle using LIGO observations of GW150914 and Fermi observations of GBM transient 150914, Molin Liu*, Zonghua Zhao, Xiaohe You, Jianbo Lu and Lixin Xu, Physics Letters B 770 (2017) 8–15.

5. Thermodynamics of Apparent Horizon and Friedmann Equations in Big Bounce Universe, Molin Liu, Yuling Yang, Jianbo Lv, Lixin Xu, General Relativity and Gravitation 48 (2016) 59.

6. Fast radio bursts and their gamma-ray or radio afterglows as Kerr-Newman black hole binaries, Tong Liu, Gustavo E. Romero, Molin Liu, Ang Li, Astrophysical Journal 826 (2016) 82.

7. Holographic vector superconductor in Gauss-Bonnet gravity, Jun-Wang Lu, Ya-Bo Wu, Tuo Cai, Hai-Min Liu, Yin-Shuan Ren, Mo-Lin Liu, Nuclear Physics B 903 (2016) 360-373.

8. Lifshitz Effects on Vector Condensate Induced by a Magnetic Field, Yabo Wu, Junwang Lu, Molin Liu, Jianbo Lu, Chengyuan Zhang, Zhuoqun Yang, Physical Review D 89 (2014) 106006.

9. Reduced modified Chaplygin gas cosmology, Jianbo Lu, Danhua Geng, Lixin Xu, Yabo Wu, Molin Liu, JHEP 02 (2015) 071.

10. Self-gravitational interaction in z=4 Horava-Lifshitz gravity, Molin Liu*, Junwang Lu, Yin Xu, Jianbo Lu, Yabo Wu, Rumin Wang, Physical Review D 87 (2013) 024043.

11. Quantum tunneling of Park black hole in IR modified Horava gravity with cosmological constant, Molin Liu, Liwei Liu, Junyi Zhang, Junwang Lu, Jianbo Lu, General Relativity and Gravitation 44 (2012) 3139-3162.

12. Logarithmic Entropy of Kehagias-Sfetsos black hole with Self-gravitation in Asymptotically Flat IR Modified Horava Gravity, Molin Liu*, Junwang Lu, Physics Letters B 699 (2011) 296–300.

13. Fermions Analysis of IR modified Horava-Lifshitz gravity: Tunnelling and Perturbation Perspectives, Molin Liu*, Junwang Lu, Rumin Wang, and Jianbo Lu, Classical Quantum Gravity, 28 (2011) 125024.

14. Solar system constraints on asymptotically flat IR modified Horava gravity through light deflection, Molin Liu*, Junwang Lu, Benhai Yu, Jianbo Lu, General Relativity and Gravitation 43 (2011) 1401–1415.

15. The fourth gravity test and quintessence matter field, Molin Liu*, Benhai Yu, Fei Yu, Yuanxing Gui, European Physical Journal C 67 (2010) 507–512.

16. The Influence of Free Quintessence on Gravitational Frequency Shift and Deflection of Light, Molin Liu*, Jianbo Lu and Yuanxing Gui, European Physical Journal C 59 (2009) 107-116.

17. The dynamic behavior of quantum statistical entropy in 5D Ricci-flat black string with thin-layer approach, Molin Liu*, Hongya Liu, Physics Letters B 661 (2008) 365-369.

18. Quantum Statistical Entropy and Minimal Length of 5D Ricci-flat Black String with Generalized Uncertainty Principle, Molin Liu*, Yuanxing Gui, Hongya Liu, Physical Review D 78 (2008) 124003.

19. Quasi-Normal Modes of Massless Scalar Field around the 5D Ricci-flat Black String, Molin Liu*, Hongya Liu, Yuanxing Gui, Classical Quantum Gravity 25 (2008) 05001.

20. The Real Solution to Scalar Field Equation in 5D Black String Space, Molin Liu*, Hongya Liu, Feng luo, Lixin Xu, General Relativity and Gravitation 39 (2007) 1389-1402.
